
Military Survival Kit
NSN 8645-99-147-7134
- British Military Approved
- Weight 220g Size 11x8x2.8cm
- Packed with survival essentials/li>

Matchless Fire Set
NSN 4220-99-721-1870
- Military Survival Item
- Quick and easy to use
- Aircrew and Special Forces Issue

SERE / E&E Wire Saw
NSN 5110-99-565-2549
- Stainless steel saw
- Will cut wood, plastic and bone
- Can be made into a bow saw

Ranger Firelighting Flint
NSN 5120-99-786-8776
- Compact and lightweight
- Works in extreme conditions
- UK designed and made

Survival Razor Blade
NSN 8530-99-463-6946
- Razor sharp cutting for emergency situations
- High carbon steel and chrome vanadium for durability
- Easily concealable in clothing or equipment

Foil Hypothermia Blanket
- Reflective foil material designed to retain heat
- Waterproof and heat retaining
- Size is 202cm x 132cm at 60g

Emergency Sleeping Bag
NSN 8465-99-138-3533
- Large 300 gauge plastic survival bag
- British military issue item
- Size in use 200cm x 90cm at 144g

Escape Compass
NSN 6605-99-127-9239
- Durable construction load tested to 24kg
- Oil filled and pressurized
- Weight 2g Size 14x14x6mm