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Soldier 95 Desert Shirt

NSN 8415-99-978-6896 to 6908 and 973-9833 to 9838


Manufactured using a 30/70 Poly/Cotton fabric which is comfortable im warmer weather, these shirts were actually designed as lightweight jackets and can be worn untucked.

Front fastening is by 6 slotted buttons. This garment can be worn secured up to the neck or with the last button undone as a V neck collar. Two chest pockets are also fastened by small slotted buttons. Each pocket has 3 pen sleeves inside as well as sewn-in loops to attach personal items not to be lost. An eppaulette for displaying the wearers rank badge is located on the front.

Cuff adjustment is by 2 small buttons provided at each wrist. The sleeves were often worn folded up above the elbow in summertime around garrison or partially rolled up for combat operations. A small Union Jack flag is sewn to left upper sleeve denoting the wearers UK nationality.

These garments are no longer in production and so new and unissued condition ones like these are extremely rare now. Our stock is direct from Military war reserves and limited so order while they are still available.

Sizes in centimeters by Height/Chest are shown on the drop down menu below.

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